3.10 Creature Buffs

So, 3.10 just dropped. Not excited? I don't blame you. We were hoping for something like a freshly baked pie, crisp and freshly picked apples, or a beautifully roasted turkey for the upcoming fall season. Instead, we were given canned green beans and stale rolls. You can eat them, but passing on them is what most will do. So, let's get into this depressing update.
Dimorphodon: This common has been the laughingstock of the game for a while because, while it isn't the worst common, it isn't super great, especially with a puny 500 attack. While the attack got buffed, it is still really bad. Adding Fierce Strike and giving it horrendous attack isn't doing anyone any favors. And when arguably the best common is cleansing specifically bleed when it attacks, it isn't making a splash. Not to mention the top resilients can easily rinse it. Waste of time.
Irritator gen 2: Irritator gen 2 got changes that really don't help it. It will still be viable among commons in a common+omega format as omegas can't have swap damage, making this common a one-time use. However, this common as a swapper is just outclassed by Dimetrodon gen 2, and the new Ferocious Critical Strike move it gets is a good move, but it still keeps the pitiful 1000 attack. As for the group strike, its slower than the two flocks and still loses. Another waste of time.

Nundasuchus: Nundasuchus is one of the few good buffs in the patch. It was already not bad, but the attack buff goes a long way with Ferocious Strike, and the critical chance and damage buffs complement each other, especially with Swap in Ferocity boosting the attack and crit chance. And pin immunity is always good. It just needs to be in a format without omegas and it'll see good success.
Dsungaripterus: Dsung got a nice little new move in Dual Critical Claws. It does do decent damage, but with its lower attack stat, again, it is doomed to be mediocre at best. The resistances are nice, but again, they don't really help the issues Dsung was facing to start: it's far too squishy, especially for something that wants to swap and take advantage of a counterattack. But to say it's on the better end of the buffs this patch is kind of sad.

Entelodon: Entelodon might be the best of the bunch, which is even more sad. Group Shattering Trample is a fantastic move that can allow Entelodon to do some important things. It's a rampage, and with 1200 attack, it can pick off Yutyrannus that just used Roar, making the opponent decide whether or not to sack Yutyrannus, or sack something else because Entelodon has stun immunity. Also, Group Shattering Trample bleeds, allowing for the hell pig to raise hell. The issue Entelodon still faces is that horrendous HP stat, but it luckily is enough to live a Megalania impact, allowing Entelodon to Mutual Fury up and deal good damage.
Gorgosuchus: Probably up there for one of the best buffs this patch, Gorgosuchus is still very mediocre. Group Ferocity Strike is a good move, especially paired with its kit. The issue is that is still has only 1000 attack. And this is what frustrates me about the game currently. "Oh, we can't have a creature have high attack with this move, otherwise it would be unbalanced." Meanwhile, Gigantspinosaurus can have ridiculous stats and even better damage output? Gorgosuchus does 8750 attack after 2 crits boosted by a counter after each attack. Meanwhile, Gigantspinosaurus deals 8100 without any critical hits in 2 turns. And while I would love to say nerf Gigantspinosaurus, it needs these stats to take on all the omegas running around in the epic format. Why can't we show the same standard for something like Gorgosuchus. You could argue for money as usual, but Gigantspinosaurus is wild and easy to hunt and dart too. Not to mention its hybrid really isn't all that, making the epic more appealing. So while this is arguably the best or second best change this patch, it goes to show how lousy this patch really is.

Spinotahraptor: Spinotahraptor finally got the buffs many people were asking for it to get. Too bad it's two years too late. Just to put it in perspective how disappointed I am in this, I am working on my epic tier list, and the way it pans out, I essentially have a "top 39" set of creatures that I have completed so far, including the newly buffed Gorgosuchus being in the middle of that pack. Spinotahraptor has a whopping 5 good matchups. Yeah, it can set up some creatures, but many of those are lower-tier creatures. And the notable wins it does have is Giga, Pulm, Beelzebufo, Tyrannosaurus, and Secondontosaurus. It does also have a speed-tie with Baryonyx and can survive a hit from revenge Panthera barring crits. But for something that is supposed to be buffed and hurled into the spotlight, it's almost as if Jam City asked Carnotaurus to do the throwing. Another waste of time.
Darwezopterus: This one really grinds my gears, but you'll learn why moreso on Tuesday when I release THAT post. Yes, Minor Swoop got buffed (Darwinopterus still is really bad. Sorry), but like it's not like you're going to beat out Dimodactylus or Skorpiodactylus. That is the bar you have to reach. If you can't cut it there, then something has to change. The resistances aren't bad, but again, you'll find out later why this bugs me because this thing has the potential to be good with a few tweaks to 2 abilities, but we're stuck with a large pterosaur that is still doomed to fall.

Compsocaulus: Congratulations to all you Compsocaulus users. Jam City has buffed your creature from last place...to last place. That's right, they couldn't bother even bother buffing it enough to go up a singular PLACEMENT. While Maxima, Thor, and Erlikospyx all could rival it for the biggest loser in the unique rarity, they have other perks that just save them from taking 67th place (The new unique blows this thing away). Compsocaulus being a flock isn't all too special, especially when a mediocre unique like Segnotheri can just delete them. Trash resistances, horrible stats, and poor output don't do much to help. Not to mention, it has to compete with flocks like Lystrosavis or Allodrigues as a cunning flock. And then you have Compsoraptor, which is just so much superior in every way. Why couldn't it be in the same boat as the last uniques that got buffed, which were Indoraptor, Trykosaurus, Poukandactylus, and Quetzorion all back in 3.7, and all of them were phenomenal (Indoraptor was fine). All of them had new abilities given to them apart from Pouk, who had one of its existing abilities changed and was gifted some of the strongest abilities as a bonus. And the other three also had resistance buffs and better moves given to them as well (like Tryko's Devouring Rampage or Indoraptor's Prolonged Sidestep). Meanwhile, Compsocaulus gets a slight HP buff and a move change that helps its epic component more than itself. Not even no escape or a rally heal on escape or on the swap in. Nothing but laziness.
So that's all the changes (minus the move changes that only affected Darwinopterus, Scaphotator, and Compsognathus, which don't really change too much). I'm not impressed. I'm bored. I wanted to see Entelodon go nuts like Baryonyx gen 2 or Argentinosaurus. I want to see Gorgosuchus get wild like Megistotherium. Instead, we really got nothing this patch to look out for. Stagnation, Stagnation, Stagnation. That's what the game is becoming. Thanks for reading, and look out for my little rant coming Tuesday to give you all something to read while they implement this depressing update.