Apex INDOCHICYON Rebalancing. Is it Enough?
Updated: Nov 10, 2024
Indochicyon was rebalanced today. See the rebalanced Indochicyon in PVP battles on IDGT902YouTube here: https://youtu.be/WBGFGw-qyPY
changed to Reduce healing of attacking dino, not self
Damage increase effect now last 2 turns instead of 1
Counter buff is now 20% instead of 25% (*which further lessens its damage potential since its rarely surviving past 1 attack*)
Changed to a Group Attack, Added Precise
Added Damage Reduction effect, 50% for 1 turn 1 attack
Added Increase Critical Chance by 30% for 1 turn, 1 attack
Reduced Damage: 50% to 75%
Rend: 0% to 50%
At first glance, these changes look like they can help in a couple scenarios. Indochicyon's biggest issue will still be that it does not have the Damage output of other Apex. We have no clue why they keep holding back on creatures like this. After using the buff from Illusion, it has no damage potential.
IDGT will be heading to the arena to test Indochicyon out in PVP to see how it does with this rebalancing- content to be posted soon!
Let us know what you think of these changes to Apex Indochicyon below. Thanks for checking out this article!
I think that dis apex should get a remake the ilusion should have more than just buff your speed
I'm my opinion it should have (cautious strike as the normal attack) (it should have cunning rampage dodge) (and a big hit since it fierce it should have a new abilitie that bypass dodge and cloak remove armor and destroy shields and cleanse vulnerability or damage or speed decrease) (and for the ilusion it should have a speed increases and damage) (plus opponent= decrease damage speed for 50) (and on revenge for this particular abilitie it 3.5 attack on next attack and increase damage speed 75 and decrease 85 damage and speed for opponent) in my opinion dis could bring it…
It is not enough. Jam City- justice for Indochicyon!
It's a good start, but it still needs more: devour, more effects on Illusion, and maybe Instant Devious Strike. They need to stop holding back on these burst-damage creatures, Magnaraptor is a great example of doing a burst-damage creature right and Indochicyon just doesn't hit that mark. Maybe a devouring version of Skirmish could be helpful with less survivability exchanged for more damage.
I wish Illusion had more effects to it than just speed and cloak
I don't think these changes are enough to make it able to compete on the beach.