The Omega Tier List- Jurassic World Alive
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Hello Everybody, welcome back! I did the Rares last time, so the logical thing to do would be the Epics next. To hell with logic though as we will look at the Omegas! Now this list was a bit tricky to make, but I had some help from IDGT (thank you).
Now, these will be ranked based off how well they do in multiple formats. Like some creatures do really well in one but drop dead as soon as the competition heats up. Meanwhile, others start at a snail's pace, but one small move or ability and they just shoot up. And there are some instances where an Omega, despite being a must have in one format, may fall below another who is just a good Omega in many formats.
So, without further ado, here is my tier list of the Omega and explanation as to why each one falls in where they did:
Now, let's talk about why some creatures landed where they did.
Sinraptor: Omega. Release version 3.4
Everyone who has played against one of these things knows why it is not fun to play against. You either make it fat and it does big damage with bleed, or you make it a critical gambler and just one shot everything. Just max up that damage stat and draw it to win. I am glad when it is removed from tournament formats.
Clever Girl: Omega. Release version 3.0
Clever Girl is still a decent menace in many different formats and can be tricky for many creatures. Upper claw is a solid ability, and we all know how annoying evasive hunt can be. However, it is on the decline, and I can see it dropping to the tier below soon.
Geosternbergia: Omega. Release version 3.4
Geo I feel flies under the radar a bit, but you should always keep an eye out for it. It just does well. The swap in and on escape are great and the moves just do what Geo needs them to do. It sees success in almost every format it is in and for good reason. It can fight off creatures like Nodosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, and just about anything else slower than it that can't remove its cloak. And swapping on it has the same deadly effect (Indotaurus take notes).
Olorotitan: Omega. Release version 3.2
Olorotitan might be the second-best omega in the game. Its counter is stupid, its basic attack is stupid, its on escape is stupid, and it has 2 incredible turn 1 rampages all to back it up. Pair that with the stats it has and it's no wonder why it’ll almost always see success.
Rativates: Omega. Release version 3.2
X turns for Y attacks? That doesn’t apply to Rativates when everything it does hits for 50 times a turn. You do so much damage every turn due to having an instant rampage that dodges and distracts while your counter is an armor-reducing impact. And on top of that, you have a rending takedown that can be boosted by ferocity. Rativates from Rare on up can see great results, and it deserves a spot in the top 5 Omega.
93 Rex: Omega. Release version 3.1
It just hits really hard and can be a pain to remove thanks to its bleed and rend immunity. However, stun and pin can get the better of it. You can however just boost the heck out of its critical multiplier and crit chance and be a pain with its double impacts.
Australotitan: Omega. Release version 3.1
With great bulk, healing, and big damage, Australotitan is a lot like the 93 Rex. Even its flaws of stun and pin weakness shine through. However, that counter is stupid good and Titanic Takedown is another great move. The strike can also allow it to be quite a pain.
Cryolophosaurus: Omega. Release version 3.3
You have great damage with the counter while also having good bulk with the swap in and instant attack. Removing Cryo can be hard. And while it may not shine as well as the top 5, it is easily within the top 10
Saurophaganax: Omega. Release version 3.9
The new kid on the block can be a pain in the butt when it starts to get all the moves that allow it to overstay its welcome, but like another omega that may have some scratching their heads, it lacks traction in the lower formats.
Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus: Omega. Release version 3.6
While it has amazing stats and tools at its disposal, it is a bit slow which can be its downfall. Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus also needs more tools to get going like its priority revenge move. However, on revenge this guy hits hard and can also be a valuable swapper too, outputting more damage than even Ichthyovenator with a boosted double strike to follow up.
Stegosaurus Ungulatus: Omega. Release version 3.3
Now this is the omega I am sure many people are confused about. Why is Stegulatus so low (relatively speaking)? Easy: It sucks without powerful counter heal. It isn’t terrible in Epic formats, but it isn’t great either. I personally see it and just click the Dimodactylus button and watch it slowly go away. It is doo doo in Rare and Common and just gets eaten away at. Until Legendary, it brings almost nothing to the table, and nowadays it is also facing hardships with all the anti-healing abilities being added and more ways around it. Estemmenosuchus may be a big issue for Stegulatus especially. That being said, I would safely say it’s the best in the tier but deserves to go no higher.
Yutyrannus: Omega. Release version 3.2
On the flipside, Yutyrannus is good in many formats. The issue is that it’s a one-trick pony that drops when it gets the sniffles. It uses Roar at max attack and 200% crit damage and a 100% crit chance. This makes it super predictable and yet also very consistent. It also makes it easier to build an omega as well. As long as you hit about 4900 hp, you're in the clear (until uniques that is, but there are a whole host of other issues for Yutyrannus there as well). Most Spinosaurus I say at the top were at 4900 hp. Why? Yutyrannus is why.
Carcharodontosaurus: Omega. Release version 3.3
You have a good swap in, great speed, and good attack. The multipliers are also great too. It’s issue is that it's trying to do too much while it can only do so much. Meanwhile you can have a lot of other Omega do the jobs it wants.
Ceratosaurus gen 2: Omega. Release version 3.5
While it has a great combination of bared teeth and anger on escape, that’s really it. It has good bulk and just fierce moves. So, while it has some good stuff, it just cannot compete as well as the creatures above it.
Fukuiraptor: Omega. Release version 3.0
While you have a turn 1 devastation with distraction and crazy damage, it has really fallen off hard. Stun and pin hit hard and bleed isn’t fun for Fukuiraptor either. And with more and more Omega outshining it or countering it, Fukuiraptor has found itself here. One of Fukuiraptor’s last strongholds was the Rare format, but with Nodosaurus coming into the fray, it’s now really struggling.
Ichtyovenator: Omega. Release version 3.1
So, this is an interesting take, but while it may never really be all that great, Ichtyovenator always has a small niche as a swapper in multiple rarities even beyond Rare. It is a must in a Rare format, but it can see great success in formats beyond that like Epics and even Unique, especially when it gets its instant rampage. And while it is a bit of a critical gambler, being able to delete some creatures on the swap is pretty good. The only time when its role as an omega swapper is definitely outclassed is when it lacks the rampage and when Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus gains its swap. But hey if you love the casino, this is the omega for you (Please use Ichthyovenator responsibly. Must be 21 or older to use this Omega).
Megalania: Omega. Release version 3.0
Megalania always has a shot. Nothing is immune to affliction and thus can be stunned, and since Megalania is able to afflict and stun at the same time, it can never be counted out. However, at the same time, this makes it too inconsistent, thus landing Megalania here.
Segnosaurus: Omega. Release version 3.1
Segnosaurus has some good tools. The swap in is quite nutty with it applying vulnerability before attacking, however that’s really the craziest thing about it. It however doesn’t get this unlocked until level 16, making it pretty mediocre until that point.
Yuxisaurus: Omega. Release version 3.0
Yuxisaurus shares some of the same issues that plague Fukuiraptor, that being a lack of stun, bleed, and pin resistances. Payback Rampage and Spiked Protection are good moves, and that counter can be a real issue, but so many different Omegas and other creatures throughout each rarity can and will body it. Pulmonoscorpios, Dsungascorpios, Spinoceratops, and now stuff like Baryonyx gen 2 and Marsupial Lion all eat it up while other Omegas like Megalania and Geosternbergia also hang it out to dry. It is an Omega to respect, but it has seen better days.
Koreanosaurus: Omega. Release version 3.1
Korea has some perks. It can be a pain to remove with Rejuvenate on Escape and Rejuvenate when it unlocks it, but that’s really all it has. It can deal more damage with that counter, but a vulnerability-immune opponent will shrug it off and fire back hard. The basic attack is also pretty nice as well, but Unstoppable Force isn’t the best way to get damage on the board.
Lambeosaurus: Omega. Release version 3.7
Lambeosaurus frustrates me so much. I see what they wanted to do. They wanted to introduce the new heal buff mechanic with this creature, and they did basically nothing with it. Powerful Counter Heal is an insane ability to have, and the rampage move it gets isn’t too bad either. It’s just that the on escape, which is unlocks at level 6, is useless until level 16. And the other moves it has at its disposal are just so mediocre that Lambeosaurus can’t do much of anything. The strike is almost just as useless minus the armor increase, but compared to the likes of Ferocious Flying strike, Protective Advance, or Protect the Herd, it just sucks. And even when it does unlock Powerful Counter Heal, another, better, Omega does as well. Stegulatus is just so much better at abusing this ability that Lambeosaurus is never going to see the light of day if Stegulatus is legal. And even in the last restrictive format, Lambeosaurus was still not amazing despite the path being so incredibly cleared for it. However, despite the rant, it still has Powerful Counter Heal and can be tough to remove.
Toro: Omega. Release version 3.0
Toro has just been on a downward spiral. He used to be a great Omega, but with more and more Omega entering the fray and newer creatures added to each rarity in order to compete with those newer Omegas, Toro hasn’t had a fun time at all. Toro still has some good tools, but those tools keep getting outclassed. As a shielding healer with a counter, what are you doing against Olorotitan, Cryolophosaurus, or Stegulatus? I will say that running on turn 1 is nice, but no pin resistance can be a bit of an issue.
Vectispinus: Omega. Release version 3.3
Vectispinus is kind of a mess. It has many tools at its disposal, but the stats don’t really help all that much and the resistances don’t allow it to fare any better. It has the worst resistances of any Omega in the game, and that itself makes Vectispinus drop quite a bit alone. But when you factor in the kit, it is similar to Lambeosaurus as its another downgrade of a better Omega: Spinosaurus Aegypticus. It’s not horrible, but a lot is left to be desired.
Borealopelta: Omega. Release version 3.3
Now we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Borealopelta has very little going for it. Yeah it can be super tanky and cleanse itself, but there are so many better creatures who can do that. Nodosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Yuxisaurus, Stegulatus, Olorotitan, and Parasaur Lux. There are so many better creatures to choose from. And if it does find a small niche, it lacks output and a good spread of abilities. Like Nodosaurus can heal itself or Olorotitan can break shields. But Bore can’t do much of anything.
Diabloceratops: Omega. Release version 3.0
It’s a mediocre swapper that is already competing with Segnosaurus and Ichthyovenator, and while they see success in a format or two, Diablo doesn’t see any. And when it finally gets Instant Crush, so many different Omegas and Uniques can either kill it before it does anything or just shrug it off. You also want to make it bulky, but also want to invest in attack. Diablo is suffering from powercreep along with being a mess in the stat department.
Homalocephale: Omega. Release version 3.2
It only sees some success in Rare. Then after that, it drops like a rock. And even in Rare, it is super easy to play around as it needs to either Bulwark or Resilient Impact, allowing something like Yutyrannus or Megalania to take advantage of it. Also, Head to Head sucks as a move. It’s a poorly designed Omega.
Stegouros: Omega. Release version 3.0
You’ll only see this Omega in a Common format because Protective Advance is a good move. However the swap is trash, the counter is meh, and it doesn’t get another useful move until level 16. You could probably have just as much success using it without anything unlocked in Epic as you would with the counter and the swap. And when it finally does get its other abilities, the only really good move is Embolden, which can be removed partially or completely by so many different moves. There are so many better options.
Masiakasaurus: Omega. Release version 3.2
Masiakasaurus is easily the worst Omega in the game. The Omega in the tier right above it may all suck but have one thing going for them at least. Homalocephale and Diablo can swap in and deal decent damage. Stegouros has a role in a Common format. Borealopelta can just wall out so many different creatures. Masiakasaurus on the other hand does nothing. It has worse stats than Clever Girl, being much slower, having a lot less attack and a lower crit chance, but sharing many of the same resistances, making it basically irrelevant in that area. But the biggest issue is by far and away the kit. The kit doesn’t work on it. You give this thing to something with good bulk like the Buck or Giganotosaurus or Diorajasaur, and it’ll work. Fade will allow it to soak up a hit and fire back hard. And the act last from Weakening Decimate and run wouldn’t matter as much. But on something meant to be fast and frail, the only two things that make sense are the impact and Thievish strike, which is the one positive I can give to Masiakasaurus. The swap in and on escape also suck hard because this is something that wants high attack, but it uses rend? It just does not make sense.
Now, I was working on this a bit before Erythrosuchus, and since it is new, I didn't include it. However, based off first impressions, it's looking alright and may be able to find a solid place among the higher end of Omegas with the likes of the 93 Rex and Australotitan. However, more testing is needed, but it'll be interesting to see how an Omega with 6 unlock stages plays out.
Thank you all for reading. I am currently working on more of these. I think the next one will be the Commons, so look out for that one. Then after that I don't know, however the update is just around the corner so maybe I will step on the brakes until that drops. I'll try to get one of these out every week. However, like always, I'm down to discuss and go further in depth on the method to my madness. See you soon!
Excellent guide, The best for aiming the right creatures to breed.
Good tier list Es, the only is that i propose a change in the positions, for example i would put the sinraptor in the 2 line of the list, and put the yutiranus and the rativates because they're counters of the sinraptor. And put the Rex of 93 in the second line with the sinraptor, cause it's also a counter but it's okay i like it the list.
Great content Ed, thanks for this. One word in favour of Masiak - it can swap into and kill a set up Olortitan with less than 25% health. Nothing else can do that.
Thank You that is very helpful!!!
Thank you