Uhhhh.......3.9 Release Notes (I lost count)
Updated: Oct 27, 2024
Howdy everyone! It's me Ed. I am excited to come at you from the IDGT902 blog page. Now it’s that time of the year again: UPDATE DAY! And with spooky season around the corner, let’s just say there are some very scary additions and changes to the game that are being implemented. I am here to go over and discuss what the changes are, what the new creature stats are, and how they’ll fit into the meta.
Dinosaur Updates
Ankylocodon: Ankylocodon is now a great brawler in this new update with its supporting group bulwark, while also being able to stick around for some time with its new vitalizing impact, which is a worse version of the one Atrocodistis has (it’s not the same one.) Ankylodocodon can now also bypass its distraction weakness and dish out more damage with superiority rampage. Overall, not bad.
New Move(s)
VITALIZING IMPACT: The same one as Atrocodistis, but only heal x1 and no priority.
GROUP BULWARK: Team increase armor 25% 2 turns 4 attacks and shield 75% for same duration. Cleanse slow and distraction. Cooldown 2
Baryonyx Gen 2: Baryonyx Gen 2 is designed to be a cleanup rare that can take out a lot in just one go. With its critical damage buff, stun resistance, and decent bulk, creatures like Australotitan can just drop in one go. The stun resistance is nice.
New Move(s)
BESERK SUNDERING DECIMATION: Act last. Sacrifice 33% hp and cleanse vulnerable. Target all opponents. Reduce armor 30% 2 turns 4 attacks. Reduce healing 2 turns. Break shields. Attack x2.5. Cooldown 3
Marsupial Lion: Marsupial Lion can now dish out damage to things that resist rend. Hooray! And with that change, it got a better counter (that allows its rending moves to do something), and one of the best devour moves in the game, allowing it to stick around for a while. And with the critical damage buff and attack increase, it can do some work. The issue however will be the speed, but I think it’ll manage.
New Move(s)
DEVOURING TAKEDOWN. Target highest hp. Break shields. Bypass Armor. Attack x2 Heal 75% dealt over 2 turns. Cooldown 2. Delay 1.
Nodosaurus: Nodosaurus has gone from a bad rare to a win condition. Basically, if you cannot remove the shields it puts up, it wins, which is really good to take out threats like Fukuiraptor, Rativates, Koreanosaurus, and Tenontosaurus. And not only that, but Nodosaurus is the only rare to take out an epic who looks to be walking into the top 3 of epics…if it's one move works right, because in the info I’m sent, it only does x1 damage, but it’s labeled as an impact. So, if it works like that, then it should be able to take out that epic.
New Move(s)
INSTANT SHIELDED RESILIENT STRIKE: Resilient Strike with priority and a shield that is 75% for 4 attacks and 1 turn
BRACING MENDING IMPACT: Cleanse distraction. Increase armor 50% 2 turns 4 attacks. Heal x1. Cleanse. Target fastest. Attack x1. CoolDown 2.
Wuerhosaurus: Wuerhosaurus (and another epic) have access to one of the best moves in the game now: Thagomizer. This nullifying decimation basically can delete anything that crosses its path. And with distraction immunity, it can be really hard to soak up these hits. Even high armor isn’t enough in some cases. And meanwhile- you can just heal up with healing bellow because you’re tanky enough. If you can’t take it out in one quick go, Wuerhosaurus will just delete you.
New move(s)
THAGOMIZER: Target all opponents. Nullify all positive effects. Reduce speed by 50% for 2 turns. Attack x1 bypass absorb. Vulnerable 50% 2 turns 2 attacks. Attack x1 bypass absorb.
Acrocanthosaurus: While one of the tamer buffs, Acrocanthosaurus now hits like a truck and can definitely take on threats better. However, I do not expect it to take off, especially in unboosted. The on escape isn’t bad however and the counter makes it hit quite a bit harder.
New move(s)
FIERCE BITE ON ESCAPE: Self: Cleanse vulnerable. Escapee: Break shields. Attack x.5
Ankylosaurus: Ankylosaurus does one thing and one thing only: let the counter do the work. The shield moves it got may not do damage, but they can sponge up hits from even Kentrosaurus (and this passivity allows it to beat the mighty epic), but the issue is that it relies on the counter and the strike to deal damage, so while it can sponge those hits, against anything that has a fierce move, Ankylosaurus is in trouble (it also has the Andrewtops counter FYI). But in brawl, this is one of the best redirection epics around.
New move(s)
GROUP TAUNTING SHIELD EXCHANGE. Cooldown 1. Fastest: Break shields and remove taunt. Team: 50% shields 2 turns 2 attacks. Self: Taunt 1 turn.
Baryonyx: Baryonyx went from mediocre to bad when it lost access to ready to crush years ago. But now, its back and has access to some new tools. Stun resistance is always good, but now it has a better strike in double fierce strike, allowing it to take out 2 Pulmonoscorpios members or just deal extra damage. But that’s the least impactful thing it got. Baryonyx then gained access to counter ferocity, allowing it to boost the output even more. But if you can’t resist stun, watch out, because crushing stun allows Baryonyx to set up for free before firing off that powerful rampage. And even if you can resist stun and can hit Baryonyx, that counter makes Baryonyx’s rampage hurt even more. This change is really great because now it’s, if I’m correct, the BEST Gigantspinosaurus counter in an epic format. This also lets it beat the other epics on this list, and with 2 of them, that’s really important.
New move(s)
CRUSHING STUN: Ready to crush but with a 100% chance to stun
Brontolasmus: One of the more interesting epic buffs I’d say, this is still a relatively hard-hitting resilient that cannot be "Dimodactylus-ed" so easily anymore. With heal on escape and healing bellow, it can cleanse bleed and regain hp. It also gets triple horn trample, with is basically a devastation with a delay of 1. And coming off that attack stat, it will hurt.
New move(s)
TRIPLE HORN TRAMPLE: Cleanse distraction. Attack fastest x1 3 times. Vulnerable 2 turns 4 attacks. Cooldown 2 delay 1.
Concavenator: Concavenator got a complete moveset overhaul, and for the best honestly. It does keep the counter, but with these new moves, it will stick around for longer and dish out better damage. However, I feel that the power level will need to be lower to see Concavenator really shine
New move(s)
DEVOURING RESILIENT STRIKE: Resilient strike but also devour 30% dealt over 2 turns
PRECISE FIERCE IMPACT: Don’t think too hard on this one.
Dimodactylus: With all the buffs, Dimodactylus’s is probably the tamest but still pretty impactful. The resistances do come quite in handy and once again makes this epic more relevant.
Kentrosaurus: Ok, here is one of the big boys. This patch, 3 creatures became absolute monsters, with one of the 3 being the aforementioned Nodosaurus. But the biggest monster of them all is Kentrosaurus. Kentrosaurus is arguably the second-best epic in the game after Gigantspinosaurus, which is impressive for an epic that was just flat out bad. However, Kentrosaurus has access to the Thagomizer like Wuerhosaurus. However, while Wuerhosaurus has a medium counter, Kentrosaurus has a FULL vulnerability counter (same as Andrewtops). Wuerhosaurus does bypass dodge with its counter, which can come in handy sometimes, but Kentrosaurus makes up for this with priority in the addition of instant resilient impact. With all these changes, Kentrosaurus has one of the best matchup spreads in the entire game. Period. I will attach an image of the matchup spread and a brief blurb about it with this article because I was just shocked with how insane this spread is.
Megistotherium: If Kentrosaurus is a battleship of an epic, then Megistotherium is the nuke button. This is an epic that is meant for one thing: deleting whatever is bothering you. Like Panthera, Megistotherium is better when you have the lead, and a bit of a hinderance if you’re down. But hey, being able to deal upwards of 9k hp on revenge with a crit in a boosted meta is pretty good. Even the bulkiest Gigantspinosaurus can’t take that.
New moves:
REVENGE BESERK DEVASTATION: Without revenge: Armor piercing Impact. With revenge: Priority Fierce Devastation basically but sacrifice 51% of hp and pin yourself for 2 turns.
Acrocanthops: Acrocanthops was really held back by its lower speed stat. That’s not much of a problem anymore for 2 reasons. One the speed buff is nice, but also because it has access to an instant group rampage on revenge. That distracts too. And speaking of distraction, it can sponge hits pretty well too with that counter and the distracting attacks plus the hp buff. It will be interesting to see how it does with stuff like the Doe and omegas, but it hits hard.
New moves:
INSTANT GROUP DISTRACTING REVENGE: Priority. Target all opponents. Attack x2 bypassing alert. Cooldown 2 delay 1. Revenge: Basically, the same as without revenge, but with no delay and also distract 50% 2 turns 4 attacks.
Ankyntrosaurus: I wish this guy got Thagomizer, but payback rampage is good too. However, it still struggles a bit with the output, but I can definitely see Ankyntrosaurus shining when the omega pool is reduced. However, I wish it got the Nodosaurus strike, Tryko’s/Anky’s taunting bulwark, or Kentro’s Thagomizer.
Alankylosaurus: Alankylosaurus is finally getting some much-needed love. It now has access to some great tools like armor shift, strike on escape, and dig in to better soak hits and stick around. It won’t be as good as something like Angel or Olorotitan, but it can definitely fly higher than it has in a long time, and with a lower power level, I can see this legendary soaring.
Megalocevia: Rend immunity and vulnerability resistance is really solid. Should really help out with Gryganyx, Thylos, and Dracos Lux.
Now all these buffs are well and good, but many of you are here for the new kids on the block, so here they are. I will admit, only one of them really stands out.
4800 hp
1200 attack
118 speed
10% crit
125% crit boost
Stun immunity
25% distraction resistance
50% slow resistance
50% armor reduction resistance
Evasive Strike
EVASIVE DISTRACTING IMPACT: Cleanse Bleed. Attack x1.5 and distract 33% 2 turns 2 attacks. 75% dodge 67% damage 2 turns 2 attacks. Cooldown 1
GROUP INSTANT RESILIENT CHARGE: Instant charge + resilient strike (2 attacks on vulnerability)
This epic is kind of mediocre. If it had a better strike and Australotitan’s counter then I could see this epic being a great addition. But we have Kentrosaurus and Gigantspinosaurus already. It has a pretty bad basic strike, its impact is nothing super special, and it really can’t even take advantage of the slow resistance. It feels incomplete. This thing is just mediocre and probably the worst epic included within this patch.
4750 hp
1400 attack
116 speed
25% armor
10% crit
125% crit boost
Distraction Immunity
Vulnerability Immunity
75% stun resistance
50% slow resistance
50% armor reduction
Tier 5: Start of turn: If opponent pinned, increase speed 25% 1 turn 2 attacks
CUNNING RESILIENT STRIKE: Cunning strike + resilient strike + nullifying strike
REVENGE ENTRAPMENT RAMPAGE: Lowest hp opponent. Pin 2 turns. Reduce healing 50% 2 turns 4 attacks. Reduce speed 50% 2 turns. Precise. Attack x2. Revenge: Lowest hp. Priority. Afflict resistances 50% 1 turn 2 attacks. Pin 2 turns. Reduce healing 50% 2 turns 4 attacks. Reduce speed 50% 2 turns. Vulnerable 2 turns 1 attacks. All opponents: attack x2 with precision. Cooldown 2
Brief shielded distracted strike
Instant ambush
BLIGHTED COUNTER STRIKE: attack x.5 and reduce healing 50% 2 turns 2 attacks
No escape
With all the healing, I can see this bulky cunning doing well. However, it does struggle with shields, and we all know about Concatosaurus. However, I think it can play around some of the other big threats in the meta like Pantherator and Thylos Intrepidus. I am excited to see how well it does in the meta. Not to mention it can reduce healing to 100%.
4450 hp
1400 attack
122 speed
25% armor
5% crit
125% crit boost
Stun immunity
Slow immunity
75% distraction resistance
Tier 5: If shielded at end of turn, increase crit chance by 50%
AERIAL STRIKE: Fastest. Vulnerable 2 turns 2 attacks. Remove dodge and cloak. Slow 50% 1 turn. Attack x1
GREATER SHIELDED DEVASTATION: Attack x3 and precise. 66% shield 2 turns 4 attacks. Increase armor 25% 2 turns 4 attacks. Taunt 1 turn. Cooldown 1. Delay 2.
DRAGONS BREATH: Heal x1. Cleanse. All opponents: attack x2 bleed 25% 2 turns. Self: increase speed 25% 2 turns 4 attacks. Precise
CUNNING RESILIENT ALERT: Secure: Shield 100% 2 turns 2 attacks and cleanse bleed. Remove highest damage crit and damage increase. Distract 2 turns 4 attacks. Cooldown 2. Threatened: Priority. Cleanse distraction. 75% chance to dodge 67% damage 2 turns 4 attacks. Remove highest damage dodge and cloak. Vulnerable 2 turns 1 attack. Attack x1.5
SWAP IN INVINCIBLE HEAL: Shield 100% 1 turn 8 attacks. Taunt 1 turn. Lockdown 2 turns. Rally 33%
ON ESCAPE PERSISTENT SHIELD: Shield 50% 3 turns 6 attacks
Exposing counter
This is looking like a solid apex. It really punishes those who swap out on it like Compsovenator. It does have to watch out for all the group attacks in the format like from Gryganyx and now Megalocevia, but with stats like these, a really good moveset (another Arctovasilas L btw with that strictly worse devastation), and resistances like these, I’m not surprised it this finds its way into the meta. It may not make a huge wave, but it’ll definitely be something to watch out for.
QOL Changes
Now normally, I don’t talk much about the QOL stuff, but this is bad. Like really bad. Like a jar of mayonnaise that has been packed in a box of hand warmers bad. Taking away the stat boost strike towers are a big no-no for me and many other players. Now we can only buy them, and it’s probably going to be in the brawl shop or just with bucks as per usual. A dirty and grubby tactic that is honestly just pathetic. Then the idea of those strike exclusives isn’t bad, but also removing the other things you can get from those strike events does suck. If you’re going to take one thing away, at least add another. You don’t take 2 things without compensation and expect people to be happy. Another just greedy and pathetic move. This is just a douchey move.
So, that’s everything. Thank you all for reading. This is a little late, but hey, it’s here. Now while I know that Jam City is looking like giant jerks right now (and you’re not wrong), I will admit, they do listen. And how would I know this? Well...I am responsible for many of the nonhybrid buffs. A while back (almost a year ago) I released an article on Gamepress called “Buffing the Little Guys 3: Omega Time”, and in that article included buffs for basically every rare and epic on this list minus Acrocanthosaurus and Dimodactylus. And while they didn’t go word for word, I’ll just show you the images of my buffs to see what I mean. They do listen. Maybe not with the best of intentions and usually when it means more dollars line their pockets, but to say they never listen is false.
I hope everyone enjoys the update. I am personally excited for the creature changes, but like the rest of you, am dreading these QOL changes. But hey, tis the season to be scared. Have a spooktacular month!
Also, here is the Kentrosaurus matchup chart. Enjoy!
None of the 17 fixed creatures are unique. I'm a bit disappointed.
Il faudrait qu'ils arrêtent de mettre de nouveaux dinos et corriger les bugs incessants . On ne sait plus suivre. C'est de plus en plus du pay to win . Dommage
These posts are incredible! I love all of the information. Thanks a ton <3